This is beautiful! I love the idea of rewilding ourselves. And thanks for the links that allow a deep dive into this theme!

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What an odd world it is with the Birlenberg wisant❤️i. You made me laugh with your wiseacher wisant comment - channeling Paul so well there. I have also been thinking about the times when people lived in caves - stone at their back meant safety I guess. What a beautiful piece so thought provoking. Looking out at Lake Superior and wishing you and yours well❤️

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This is wonderful. I love knowing that the town has a bison/wisent in its crest. It is a tragedy that we are not more thoughtful about protecting our wild lands and creatures. It's funny about People's Park. Forty years ago I thought it was a good idea to keep it a park. The last time I walked through it -- maybe five years ago -- it felt unsafe, drug-ridden, syringe-littered and ugly. It looks much prettier in your aerial view than it did walking through it in person. Might be a function of how old I am (and how hard it was for me to find a place to live when I went to UC Berkeley) but it seems time to transform the space into dorms and housing for the unhoused with a People's Park mini museum on the site. Thank you for this thoughtful post, Jen.

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Beautifully written and inspirational...from Bison to Berleburg to parking lots....yes, let's push to make more nature better taken care of everywhere! Thanks for sharing.

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